Best Way to Lose 50 lbs in 4 Months - Alex's Story

 A new dad who piled on the pounds after comfort eating following the death of his best friend has lost 50lb in less than 4 months

The 27-year-old, who became a father for the first time last month, ballooned to 297 lbs  at his heaviest last year. He says the weight gain happened as he grieved best mate Danny Stansfield, who suffered a heart attack at just 24 while playing five-a-side football. Hull Live says the former England futsal player's death had a huge impact on Alex, who works in security.

"I pretty much started comfort eating without knowing and ballooned. I didn't realise how big I was but I had a moment of realisation," Alex said. "I turned to food through grieving. Some people deal with it in different ways but I took a lot on and it was the first death in our friendship group. I didn't find the time to grieve and without knowing it I lost control.

"I remember looking in the mirror one day and just realising what had happened and thinking, 'I've got to change'. I went to the gym where Danny used to go and met my personal trainer who set up a plan for me and I haven't looked back since."

Alex has been visiting Danny's former Metro Gym in Hull and, with the help of personal trainer Keith Thresh, has been working hard to shed the weight.

The father, of Hull, has gone from a size XXL to a size L in just a year- Alex, who owns a clothing company, has also overhauled his diet and recently featured in Men's Health magazine. To help shed his weight, Lee and partner Hayley Fisher, 27, spend Sunday nights preparing their meals for the week, making sure to follow a special diet plan stick on Keto Diet ( Read More About Keto Here) Alex's diet now consists of four meals a day, including two snacks and supplements.

"I still eat a lot and have 2,000 calories a day but it's better food. I'm really strict Monday to Friday and have a cheat meal on a Saturday. I spend a lot of time training and can now play football on a Saturday again. The biggest thing Keith has taught me is to eat your calories in a weekly amount so if you eat a lot one day you can cut back another day," Alex added.

On the diet plan, Alex can enjoy hearty breakfasts made up of two turkey sausages, two full scrambled eggs, half a tin of chopped tomatoes, half an avocado and a handful of blueberries. Dinner consists of a variety of options such as salmon, chicken, cod, steak, lean mince with potato, rice and a vegetable and a sauce.






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