How to Start Losing Weight at 300 Pounds - Stepth's Success Story

Steph O'Shea, 27, was almost 300 pounds at her heaviest - but managed to lose 140 pounds after years of being morbidly obese. However she still hasn't got the body of her dreams and her boyfriend says she's more withdrawn now than she was before. Her drastic weight loss has left her with a stone of excess skin, and she's now asking completely strangers to donate$15,000 to pay for surgery to have it removed.

The 27-year-old, who lives in Burntwood, Staffs, said: "I wanted to lose weight to enjoy life, clothes and being active instead of wishing or watching other people enjoying themselves.My partner loves me regardless. He says I'm not the same person and that I'm more reserved now that I've lost weight. I'm more insecure now. The excess skin holds me back from my ability to be as active as I'd like. I'm conscious people can hear it moving around in the gym so I wear garments underneath to hold me in which can be uncomfortable."

Steph, who was 21 stone at her heaviest, decided to lose weight in January 2018 after a lifetime of being obese and suffering from health problems because of her size. She signed up Custom Keto Diet and cut out processed food including her much loved kebab meat and chips and started to exercise regularly.  ( Read more : What is Keto - Explained on Fox News )

Now weighing a healthy 149 pounds, Steph says she still feels insecure about her body after she was left with saggy excess skin on her arms, stomach and legs which causes painful sores across her body and limit her mobility. 

She said: "I used to survive on coffee through the day then have one super sized plate of mainly fried and processed food at night. I just cut out as much processed food as I could. I limit myself to one takeaway a month, cook my meals myself and eat lean meats and grill or bake food instead of fry." I'm happy with myself and the person I am but incredibly self-conscious and feel I need to cover up to stop rude comments and stares."






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